torsdag 28. august 2014

Series Review: Caster Chronicles

This will be my spoiler free book review of the entire Caster Chronicles series by Kami Garcia and Margareth Stohl.
It is 4 books in total, and that is Beautiful CreaturesBeautiful DarknessBeautiful Chaos and Beautiful Redemption.

I really enjoyed this series, and ended up giving the first two books 4 stars, and the last two 4.5 stars. I love when series just gets better and better.

Short synopsis:
These books follow the ordinary small town boy Ethan, and a new girl in town Lena. Lena is a caster, which is another word for witch. She is cursed, and when she is turning 16 she will be claimed for either the dark (bad) or the light (good) side.
We follow Ethan and Lena as their lives intertwine, and they must together fight against the curse.

My thoughts on the plot:
I think the plot of the books were interesting, and original. In the first book they fight against the curse that Lena will have to deal with when turning 16. In the other books they run into a lot of other obstacles. The last book was more adventurous than the other 3, and that was also one of the reasons why I liked that one the most.
So much happened throughout the books, so even though the books are pretty big, I flew through them.
The one negative thing I will say about the story in the books, is that it was a bit predictable at times. There weren't really any shocking moments that made me feel taken aback, and I missed that.

My thoughts on the characters:
I did to like the two main characters, Ethan and Lena. Ethan wasn't tough enough, and Lena was just annoying and whiny. I didn't like their relationships either, it was just to "lovey-dovey" for my taste. I will say though, that in the last book you get to read from both Ethan's and Lena's point of view, and that actually made me like Lena a little bit better.
But besides the main character, the books contained a lot of other enjoyable people. I love Link and Ridley, I think they are hilarious. Macon is also great, he's just such a good person. Liv, who is introduced in the second book, was also a really great character. She is the type of girl character I enjoy reading about in books.

All in all
This is a very fun magical and action packed read. I would not recommend seeing the movie, because that just isn't that great, and these books are so much better. If you like young adult novels, you will probably really like these books as well. Again, a really great series, and combined I'm giving this series:

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