mandag 4. august 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where they invite people to join in and share their list of the top ten topic for each week. This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Books I'd Give To Readers Who Have Never Read xxx

I have chosen to go with Young Adult Novels, because that is the genre I have read the most from. So here is my list:

1. The complete Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
These are just my all time favorite books. They are so magical and fun. And the world that Rowling has created is just amazing. You fly through them, while having the time of your life.

2. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
This is a great dystopian series. Even though I gave the first book 5 stars, and the last book 3 stars. But all in all it is a very good and action packed series. And it is a very original story. The movies are also so entertaining and great.

3. The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
This is a series about faeries. I was really hesitant when picking up these books, because I just couldn't imagine how they could make books about faeries interesting. But I really enjoyed this series a whole lot. The faery world is just so magical, and the characters and the story line is great.

4. The Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima
Another great YA series. This is a fantasy book, filled with magic, wars and love. The characters are enjoyable, and the series are filled with twists and turns. If you are a Game of Thrones fan, I think you would like this.

5. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
I have just read the first two books of this series, but I am loving it so far. If you are looking for a good vampire book, give these books a try.

6. The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margareth Stohl
I have just recently finished this series, and I enjoyed it so much. It's a book about casters (nice word for witches), and it is filled with magic, curses, love and death. 

7. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
There are a total of 16 books in this series, plus 2 novellas. It sounds like a lot, but these books are so much fun, and really fast pace. If you like the TV show, you will like the books. But there are not that many similarities between the TV show and the books. So if you think you will know what happens in the books because you've watched the show, you are mistaken :)

8. Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth
Again, another great dystopian series, and another great, original concept. The ending to this series is mind blowing, and so unpredictable. They are also being made into movies, and the first movie was so good.

9. The Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner
And yet another great dystopian series. This is just filled with so much mystery, and it is full of action. Another popular book that has been made into a movie, and I can't wait to watch it, it looks awesome.

10. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
This is a series with a really interesting concept, the main character can hear dead people that has been murdered. It was pretty scary at times, and I'm glad I didn't read it late at night.

That was my top ten Young Adult books I would recommend to people who haven't read any YA books. It turned out to be all series, but then again that is what I mostly read.

Make sure to check out The Broke and The Bookish Top Ten blogpost HERE, where you can also find others who have made their list. A great way to find and add more books to your TBR pile :)


5 kommentarer:

  1. I haven't read lots of YA, so thank you for the suggestions!

    Here's my list of nonfiction you can't resist!

  2. I didn't know there was a fourth book in the BODY FINDER series. Must go buy it.

  3. Very interesting, although I'm surprised the Wicked Lovely series wasn't on here. Seemed like it would fit right in :)
    You should check out the Black Womb series, based on your picks. :)
    Here's my list. I've started doing them on YouTube as an experiment. Like and comment if you get a chance. :)

    1. I actually haven't read the Wicked Lovely series yet, but it has been on my TBR for a while. I know I can get a hold of all of them on audio, so maybe those will be the next books I listen to :)
