mandag 25. august 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #4

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Every week it's a new topic, and then you share you're top ten list for that specific topic.
This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet

1. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

This book is high on my list, and I have been wanting to read it for ages. I just simply need to get a hold of the trilogy and read them. Haven't heard a negative word about these books, and it just sounds amazing. Don't really know why I haven't picked it up yet, but it is going to happen very soon for sure.

2. Fallen Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

I mentioned this book in my Wishlist Wednesday post a couple of weeks ago, which you can find HERE.
It sounds awesome, and I am really digging fantasy at the moment, so this just fits right in there.

3. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

Again another fantasy book. I want it because I'm into fantasy, it sounds really good, and people are raving about it. It just has to be great then.

4. Doon by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon

It's not that long ago since I came over this book. And my first reaction was to suggest it to my sister, which is in love with Scotland. And the books takes place in Scotland. But I also think it sounds like a super fun read, so I definitely want to read it for myself. I think the second book just came out as well.

5. The Archived by Victoria Schwab

When I read the synopsis for this book I knew right away that I wanted to read it. It just sounds so unique and different. It is also very popular in the book community.

6. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Again, another fantasy book. This one has been super popular amongst readers lately, and I feel like everybody is picking up a copy. I need to do that too. It sounds like a great story, that I wanna take a part of.

7. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

I haven't read many books about dragons, but I do wanna read more of them. And I think this one is a good choice. It sounds interesting from the plot, and the reviews on Goodreads is really good. Also the second book is coming out sometime next year.

8. Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan

This book is just one of those books that everybody just has to read. And I really want to read it, cause I think it will be a great and really fun adventure. And people LOVE this series so much.

9. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

This is probably the book on this list I mostly want to get my hands on. The plot is awesome, and the main character sounds really badass. This is also a book with tons of good reviews, which can sometimes be scary, but I think I will enjoy it.

10. Legend by Marie Lu

I love dystopian books, and this one has been on my wish list for a while. Again a book with good review and a great plot. I think I'm gonna get this as an audiobook and start listening to it when I go back to work in a week. Hopefully it will make the time in the traffic a whole lot more fun.

Click HERE to check out other people's Top Ten list, or go and share your'e own list.


1 kommentar:

  1. Love the Percy Jackson series, I grew up with a Greek Mythology obsession and these books are such a fun take on them!

    Kat @ Readiculous Blog
